Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR
The nearest date: According to you
Venue: Company in-house training
Length: 13 days
Price: On request

Course objectives

The objective of this course is to guide the participant of this training program through the entire issue of mechanical engineering in a simple and comprehensible form. This includes the fundamental properties of materials, understanding how a part is designed, how the part is manufactured, how to transfer these ideas to and from a drawing.

The course is designed for associates without any technical education in engineering fields. And it can also serve co-workers with a technical education to classify and compare it to the same starting level.

The content of this training program itself is complex, but on the other hand very simplified. The level of difficulty corresponds to the level of an engineering high school. The training will not be only theoretical, we will use a lot of practical demonstrations and examples.

Course content

The training program itself consists of five modules and will end with a final exam.

-  Module no. 1: Materials science (2 days)
-  Module no. 2: Fundamentals of mechanical engineering and machine parts (2 days)
-  Module no. 3: Fundamentals of engineering technologies (2 days)
-  Module no. 4: Basics of technical drawing, measuring and reading technical documentation (3 days)
-  Module no. 5: Introduction to the basics of electrical engineering (2 days)
-  Module no. 6: Alternative hydraulics and air technology (2 days)

Additional information

Training Schedule - Open Public Online Term          
Testing the training connection from 07:45 *
Training program 08:00 - 12:00
Lunch break 12:00 - 12:30
Training program 12:30 - 14:00
Processing a case study / test       after 14:00

* UTC +1 time zone (DE, BE, DK, NL, NO, SE, AT, ES, FR, IT, SI, SK, CZ, PL, HU, ...)

Creating a tailor-made corporate course

We can tailor each course to your requirements. For more information please contact us
Request an
+421 908 345 320 Training question

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