Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR
The nearest date: 13.08.2025 - 14.08.2025
Venue: Online
Length: 2 days (8:00 - 14:00)
Price: 359,00 € without VAT / person

Course objectives

The training focuses closely on the development of people and executive teams in, revealing the inherent motivation of subordinates, setting expectations, and delegating work and authority according to the situation. Thanks to the understanding of the internal motivation factors, we will be able to create a more powerful team and improve the quality of our work. We will learn to be the cause of positive changes and motivate our employees to change too.

Course content

  • Leadership styles and types, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses
  • Choosing the appropriate leadership style
  • On the situation based approach of managers and co-workers
  • Handling situations as a leader
  • In which situation the leadership approach should be changed?
  • How to assign task and how to check the implementation status?
  • Proper feedback as motivation techique
  • Team typology
  • Team management and personalisation of own team management style
  • Analysis of the current situation in the team. Changes proposals and actions to improve team performance.
  • Co-workers motivation for better results achievement
  • Practice training: choosing of motivating factors and incentive interview
  • Practice training: teamwork and solving of  model situations.

Additional information

Training Schedule - Open Public Online Term          
Testing the training connection from 07:45 *
Training program 08:00 - 12:00
Lunch break 12:00 - 12:30
Training program 12:30 - 14:00
Processing a case study / test       after 14:00

* UTC +1 time zone (DE, BE, DK, NL, NO, SE, AT, ES, FR, IT, SI, SK, CZ, PL, HU, ...)

Creating a tailor-made corporate course

We can tailor each course to your requirements. For more information please contact us
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+421 908 345 320 Training question

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