Evaluations of participants who have already completed this training
Miroslava Š.
Date of training: 22.05.2023, 02.06.2023
Lecturer: Mrs. Ingrid Duricova, Mrs. Monika G
100 %
Recommends this training
Many examples from practice.
Unfortunately, it was an online training.
Romana Š.
Date of training: 22.03.2023, 31.03.2023
Lecturer: Mr. Stanislav Mikusinec, Mr. Peter Rendek
100 %
Recommends this training
expertise, examples from practice
Lukáš F.
Date of training: 26.01.2023 - 27.01.2023
Lecturer: Mrs. Katarina Tancikova, Mrs. Monika G
100 %
Recommends this training
Great organization of the school during both days. During the ISO 19011 standard training, I would highlight Mrs. Tanciková's expertise and communication skills. It's been a long time since I've attended a training course where someone presented and delivered an interpretation of the standard in such an engaging way - in this case ISO 19011. I've already completed training on the ISO 19011 standard in the past a couple of years ago in another organization at the beginning of auditing, but today the training definitely surpassed it and it helped to become familiar with and better understand the terminology and the essence of the matter.