ISO/IEC 27001 standard specifies requirements for setting, implementation, using, monitoring, analysis and improvement of information security systems within organization. The aim of the standard is to systematically ensure that the information security of the organization is not compromised and thus prevent serious financial loss or possible difficulties caused by loss of the organization's confidence.
The certification goals are:
- To declare organization´s systems conformity with ISO/IEC 27001 international standard requirements
- Implementation of systematic approach in information security area within organization
- Increasing of the information security and avoiding the potential risks of information leakage
Benefits for your customers
Implementation and certification of Information Security Management system forms precondition for improvement in the following areas :
Management |
- Systematic approach towards data protection management through whole organisation
- Clearly defined aims and rules to secure data withing organization
- Implementation of continuous improvement approach in the scope of data protection
Data security |
- Definition of data security risks
- Verification of goal achievement in data protection area
- Verification of processes and rules which shall avoid data leakage
- Increasing of awareness in data protection area
Economic benefits |
- Avoiding of losses caused due to data leakage
- Organization know-how protection
Business and marketing benefits |
- Competitive advantage on the market
- Increasing of customer confidence
Added Value for you:
- Information for Management about organization systems conformity with standard requirements together with current status in the data protection area
- Risk analysis and potential weakness in the data protection area covered
- Expanding business opportunities and increased credibility towards your customers
- Implementation of continuous improvement culture in data protection through your organization
- We focus on economic value increase to our customers

Certificate ISO/IEC 27001

Certification mark
ISO/IEC 27001