ISO 9001 standard defines requirements to Quality Management System. Organisation who´s aim is to continuously supply own products in accordance with specifications and customer requirements should implement the ISO 9001 standard. Organization should keep constant effort in order to increase customer satisfaction as well. The basic requirement for ISO 9001 standard effective implementation is to document, implement, follow and sustain Quality Management System hand in hand with it´s continuous improvement.
Certification process shall confirm that organization is capable:
- To fulfill international standards requirements
- To implement and sustain process approach in organization management
- To implement continuous improvement system
Benefit for our customers
Implementation and certification of the Quality Management System supports achievement of long-term profitability of our customers thanks to continuous improvement in following areas:
Management |
- Clear definition of Management system.
- Assignment of authorities and responsibilities.
- Resource management.
- Continuous improvement.
- Setting of business and internal company values.
- Process stability.
- Efficiency of the information system.
Quality Improvement of |
- Organization management system.
- Products.
- Core business processes.
Financial benefits |
- Cost reduction.
- Increasing of process effectivity and efficiency.
- Long-term profitability.
Business and Marketing benefits |
- Increasing of product added value.
- Goodwill improvement.
- Improvement of customer trust.
Your benefits
- Independent analysis of current status of your organisation.
- Expanding business opportunities and increasing of your credibility.
- Implementation of continuous improvement approach.
- Elimination of chaos and deficiencies in organization and it´s management.
- Appropriate quality system setting.

Certificate ISO 9001

Certification mark
ISO 9001