Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR

Mrs. Lubica Kucharova

98,92 %
135 evaluation


During her 15 years of work in an international automobile company, she went through several positions. She started in the personnel department, where a part of her work activities included participation in the preparation of training plans and education at HR department, as well as accompanying foreign visits, including interpreting. As part of her work at the HR department, she led induction training for internal and external employees of the company. Later, she worked in key positions in the field of quality, environment and health and safety. She also held the position of a specialist in the prevention of serious industrial accidents and a safety technician. Later, as an expert on EU chemical legislation, she performed the function of REACH manager. At Continental Matador Truck Tires, she worked in the ESH department as an ecologist and internal EMS auditor, a specialist in the prevention of serious industrial accidents and as a safety technician. Subsequently, she worked as an ecologist, REACH manager and internal EMS auditor in the environmental protection department at Continental Matador Rubber. She is currently passing on her acquired experience as a CeMS lecturer. In addition, she provides consultancy and training in the field of professional environmental and health and safety issues, where it also acts as an external auditor with international scope for the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.


She successfully completed the field of Applied Ecology at the Technical University in Zvolen and additional pedagogical studies focused on teaching professional subjects in Banska Bystrica. She holds the IRCA international certificate of external auditor for the environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and external auditor for the health and safety management system according to the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard. She also holds the Internal Auditor for IMS certificates according to the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. She also received the certificate manager of REACH, certificate of competence of a safety technician, certificate of professional competence of a specialist for the prevention of serious industrial accidents.

Practice and acquired experience:

At Continental Matador Truck Tires, she worked in the ESH department as an ecologist and internal EMS auditor, a specialist in the prevention of serious industrial accidents and as a safety technician. Subsequently, she worked as an ecologist, REACH manager and internal EMS auditor in the environmental protection department at Continental Matador Rubber. She ensured legislative requirements in the field of environmental protection, safety and health protection at work and chemical legislation REACH. She carried out language translations of key corporate documents in the field of the environment. Also, she participated in the preparation and elaboration of corporate presentations in the field of environmental protection and health and safety, in the creation, maintenance and updating of electronic data on the divisional server. She also wrote articles for the company newspaper.

Teaching experience:

As a lecturer, she worked in the field of EMS, OHSAS management system according to the requirements of ISO 14001, ISO 45001 standards, environmental protection legislation, OHS, prevention of serious industrial accidents, REACH. She conducted training for internal employees as well as employees of external companies in Slovak and English. Currently, she works as a lecturer and consultant for the CeMS company and provides training mainly in the field of environment and occupational health and safety.


In-house training

ILJIN SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. | Magna Electronics Slovakia s.r.o. | RS Integrated Supply Slovakia s. r. o. | DONGWON SK, s. r. o. | NEXPLUS SK s.r.o. | VÚRUP, a.s. | Rettenmeier Tatra Timber, s.r.o. | Axxence Slovakia s.r.o. | KFTS s.r.o. | SLOVCLEAN a.s.

Online training

ŠVEC a SPOL, s.r.o. | G-TEKT Slovakia, s.r.o. | Magna Electronics Slovakia s.r.o. | Estamp Slovakia s.r.o. | KINEX BEARINGS, a.s. | GRAMEX, spol.s r.o. | Panasonic Industrial Devices Slovakia s.r.o. | P - LAB a.s. | Peikko Slovakia s.r.o. | Statutární město Pardubice - Městský obvod Pardubice III | C.I.M.A. Slovakia, s.r.o. | Igor Tichý | PERPEDES SK s. r. o. | WESTCOR, spol. s r.o. | Foxconn Slovakia, spol. s r.o. | ALU-SV CZ, s.r.o. | HTP s.r.o. | RUDOLPH USINADOS SK, s.r.o. | EKOVIB s. r. o. | PPA CONTROLL, a.s. | Semecs, s.r.o. | Aalberts Surface Technologies s.r.o. | MAN Components s.r.o. | Omega Optix, s.r.o. | Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. | FERONA Slovakia, a.s. | TECH-MASTERS Slovakia s.r.o. | NOROO Automotive Coatings Czech s.r.o. | Versium, s.r.o. | Nemocnice Na Františku | Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska, a. s. | ARPROG, akciová spoločnosť Poprad | Inštitút odborného vzdelávania, s. r. o. | PIFox, s.r.o. | Olivova dětská léčebna, o.p.s. | CZ LOKO, a.s. | Barluskat s.r.o. | CIVOP s.r.o. | ADDSEN, s. r. o. | littlefinger, s.r.o. | Glycanostics, s.r.o. | Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik, (v skratke „LPS SR, š. p.") | Shrinktech s.r.o. | Ideal Mělník a.s. | Berlin-Chemie/A.Menarini Ceska republika s.r.o. | Centrum výskumu a vývoja, s. r. o. | MAGNA SLOVTECA, s.r.o. | EPSA Marketplace Slovakia, s. r. o. | Národný bezpečnostný úrad | Ministerstvo obrany Slovenskej republiky | Signode Slovakia s.r.o. | r3project cz, s.r.o. | Plastcom, spol. s r.o. | Ing.Zuzana Varmecká, s.r.o. | SlovTan Contract Tannery spol. s r.o. | ECCO Slovakia, a.s. | VIDRA a spol. s.r.o. | VUCHT a.s. | Magna Exteriors (Slovakia) s.r.o. | AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o. | GZ Media, a.s. | ELASTORSA SLOVAKIA s.r.o. | AGC Flat Glass Czech a.s., člen AGC Group | Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia | GALMM s.r.o. | Wittur s. r. o. | Reviva s.r.o. | BEZ TRANSFORMÁTORY | ZF Active Safety Slovakia s.r.o. | CZ BIJO a.s. | Metalimpex Slovakia, s.r.o. | Kongsberg Automotive, s.r.o. | TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. | Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. | AT CONSULT spol. s r.o. | YIT Slovakia a.s. | ZKW Slovakia s.r.o. | amphora s. r. o. | ORAC SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. | CPI Moravia Books s.r.o. | Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s., člen koncernu Pražská plynárenská, a.s. | Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Slovakia s.r.o. | Plastic Omnium Auto Inergy Slovakia s.r.o. | Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. | DSV Solutions Slovakia s. r. o. | ON Semiconductor Slovakia, a.s. | VAILLANT GROUP Heat Pump Production s.r.o. | HMH, s.r.o. | SAFETY PROVIDE s. r. o. | MIM, s.r.o. | Bosch Electrical Drives SK s.r.o. | LINDAB s.r.o. | BOZPO, s.r.o. | ecorec Slovensko s.r.o. | STABIL spol. s r.o. | Štátna veterinárna a potravinová správa Slovenskej republiky | Delirest Slovakia s. r. o. | SLOVAKTUAL s.r.o. | CIKAUTXO SK s.r.o. | Tomra Sorting s. r. o. | CS WEB, s.r.o | PG electronic s.r.o. | Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku, n.o. | Certifikačný a inšpekčný orgán SR, s. r. o. | Kia Slovakia s. r. o. | Slovenská revízna a servisná spoločnosť s.r.o. | MIHAS s.r.o. | Doprastav, a.s. | VALVE SLOVAKIA a. s. | ACCON managers & partners, s.r.o. | Euro Dabo s. r. o. | Biometrix s.r.o | LiV ELEKTRA, a.s. | Otolift Schodiskové výťahy, s. r. o. | Packeta Slovakia s. r. o. | Poppe + Potthoff s.r.o. | DHL Solutions k.s. | GeWiS Slovakia s. r. o. | BROVEDANI SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. | Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. | Arens Oberflächenfullservice s.r.o. | Carbonlytics Company s.r.o. | COAVIS SLOVAKIA s. r. o. | TIBERINA AUTOMOTIVE BĚLÁ spol. s r.o. | Marelli PWT Kechnec Slovakia s. r. o. | Sylex, s.r.o. | DP World Logistics Slovakia s. r. o. | ENPAY TRANSFORMER COMPONENTS, s.r.o. | ad-tech s.r.o. | Hyundam Slovakia, s. r. o. | Sisecam Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. | EWOX, s.r.o. | QSpro s. r. o. | KOH-I-NOOR FORMEX s.r.o. | VICENTE TORNS SLOVAKIA, a.s. | Astotec Automotive Czech Republic s.r.o. | Saft Ferak a.s. | MGP, spol. s r.o. | HYDAC s.r.o. | Torun & Schmidt s.r.o. | Tytex Slovakia s.r.o. | MANDÍK, a.s. | ADRIAN MED, s.r.o. | Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. | DENSO Manufacturing Czech s.r.o. | FORM s.r.o. | N4POINT s.r.o. | Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions s.r.o. | O2 Slovakia, s.r.o. | DS Smith Turpak Obaly, a.s. | TRANSSERVIS, a.s. Košice | NEOGRAFIA, a.s. | Scheuch s.r.o. | Československá obchodná banka, a.s. | D PLAST a.s. | Typ Agency s.r.o. | ACS International s.r.o. | Vitalo Slovakia s.r.o. | MG - Slovakia s.r.o. | DOKA DREVO, s.r.o. | IKEA Industry Slovakia s. r. o., o.z. Malacky Boards | ELEKTROCONNECT, s.r.o. | Baumann Springs s.r.o. | MAKYTA, akciová spoločnosť, skrátene MAKYTA a.s. | QUALIFORM SLOVAKIA s.r.o. | TI-Hanil Slovakia, s.r.o. | BDI spol. s r.o. | Pôdohospodárska platobná agentúra | ERT Automotive Bohemia s.r.o. | Ing. Renáta Chmárová | M-tech & Automation s.r.o. | EKOTOXIKOLOGICKÉ CENTRUM BRATISLAVA s.r.o. | Medi-Globe s.r.o. | VFTECH, spol. s r.o. | Lorex Distribution s.r.o. | Makeen Energy A/S | Oblastní charita Polička | Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. | Axxence Slovakia s.r.o. | CHIRANA T.Injecta, a. s. | Formel D Slovakia s. r. o. | VÚRUP, a.s. | Fakultná nemocnica Nitra | KONSIT a.s. | ROTOS - STK a. s. | Dopravní podnik Ostrava a.s. | Státní zemědělský intervenční fond | UNI - TECH, s. r. o. | VODA Želivka, a.s.

ContiTech Vibration Control Slovakia, s.r.o.; Continental Matador Rubber, s.r.o.; Continental Matador Truck Tires, s.r.o.; Matador Automation, s.r.o.; Pankl Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o., GAJOS, s.r.o.; TMG, a.s.; Adler Pelzer Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o.;  J.P. PLAST Slovakia spol s.r.o.; c2i  s.r.o.; BARGY SK s.r.o.; ILJIN SLOVAKIA, s.r.o.; IPC – SLOVAKIA, s.r.o.; KOVAL SYSTEMS, a.s.; GIMAX Tyres a.s.; SPECIALITY MINERALS SLOVAKIA, spol s.r.o.; MIP s.r.o., Slovalco, a.s.; Energotel, a.s.; GIM – SERVIS a.s.; YURA Corporation Slovakia, s.r.o.

Trainings organized by a lecturer Mrs. Lubica Kucharova

Training name Training duration Venue Price The nearest date
1 day (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 360,00 €
442,80 € VAT included
29.07.2025 + 1
2 days (8:00 - 16:00)
Online 450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
22.04.2025, 25.04.2025 + 1
4 days (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 810,00 €
996,30 € VAT included
22.04.2025 - 25.04.2025 + 2
1 day (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 360,00 €
442,80 € VAT included
23.04.2025 + 2
2 days (8:00 - 16:00)
Online 450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
23.04.2025, 25.04.2025 + 2
1 day (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 360,00 €
442,80 € VAT included
25.04.2025 + 2