She has over 22 years of managerial experience in the field of quality system management and project management in a German and Japanese automotive corporation as well as in the largest Slovak pharmaceutical sales and distribution company. She worked in the position of TQM manager in the Japanese Yazaki Europe Ltd. Corporation, where for more than 12 years she was in charge of the complex assurance of the quality system in production, the implementation of IATF 16949, including the management of a team of QRE quality engineers, FMEA specialists, MSA / SPC / SQA / PPAP specialists, Kaizen / QCC coordinators improvement interdisciplinary teams using QC tools, introduction of specific requirements of 12 OEM manufacturers (Toyota, Ford, PSA, GM, Daimler AG, JLR, etc.) as a Tier 1 supplier.
At the same time, she also worked as a corporate employee lead auditor in accordance with IATF 16949 / ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 for manufacturing plants, development & customer centers in the Yazaki Europe Ltd. group and was a project manager, she organized improvement competitions of QCC teams, successfully implemented Six Sigma Green Belt project within manufacturing plants in Europe. She completed a number of trainings and internships abroad focused on the implementation and application of methods in the automotive industry (Japan: Toyota Production System, Kaizen system, 5S system, Germany: Ford Global 8D, Great Britain: IRCA ISO 9001 External Lead Assessor, APQP / PPAP, 12 QC Tools, Portugal: Project management, etc.). For more than 6 years, she worked as a quality manager, project manager at Slovak Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Unipharma, where she implemented quality tools into practice, managed several business projects and led several strategic workshops. She currently works as an external auditor, tutor for automotive core tools, Kaizen, TQM and management systems in accordance with IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485 and GDP standards.
Lectures: "Kaizen Activities" on "5th National Productivity Forum of the Slovak Republic" organized by the Slovak Productivity Center in Žilina as well as at the "National Quality Conference" organized by the Academy of Productivity and Innovation in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Project presentations of the "YSK QCC Kaizen Team" as the winner of the YEL competition at the "International QCC Conference" in Y-City - YC World Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan. She published for the professional magazine "Productivity" - "How Japanese Kaizen methods are used in Slovak conditions" and in the professional magazine "Pharmacist" - several contributions regarding the introduction of the quality management system, process management and GDP - Good Distribution Practice.
SIIX EMS Slovakia s.r.o. | Carcoustics Slovakia Nováky s. r. o.
REGADA,s.r.o | CRW Slovakia, s.r.o. | CeMS-CO s.r.o. | CS WEB, s.r.o | Lionbridge (Slovakia) s.r.o. | MG - Slovakia s.r.o. | Nemocnice Boskovice s.r.o. | VÚRUP, a.s. | GU SLOVENSKO, s.r.o. | MAR SK, s.r.o. | GALMM s.r.o. | Mgr. Monika Awen Alabastrová | BIONT, a.s. | Fakultná nemocnica Nitra | RAIS Slovakia, s.r.o. | Gundlach Automotive Solutions s.r.o. | STROJLAB, s.r.o. | Arcondis Solutions s.r.o. | ZWL Slovakia - Výroba ozubených kolies Sučany, s. r. o. | ŠVEC a SPOL, s.r.o. | FERONA Slovakia, a.s. | BUFAB CZ s.r.o. | J.P. PLAST Slovakia spol. s r.o. | Garrett Motion Slovakia s. r. o. | Howe Slovensko s.r.o. | Proventia Czech s.r.o. | PERPEDES SK s. r. o. | Sisecam Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. | Lindner Türen - Fassaden s.r.o. | Somma s. r. o. | Mubea Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. | BRENNTAG SLOVAKIA s.r.o. | Typ Agency s.r.o. | amphora s. r. o. | ED2T, s. r. o. | CIKAUTXO CZ s.r.o. | MAGNA SLOVTECA, s.r.o. | Igor Tichý | Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. | ZEKON, a. s. Michalovce | UDENCO s.r.o. | PIKATRON CZ s.r.o. | Ideal Mělník a.s. | Úřad pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí | RG services, s. r. o. | Štátna veterinárna a potravinová správa Slovenskej republiky | TATRA TRUCKS a.s. | SUPPLY SERVIS s.r.o. | AVETON s.r.o. | CeMS, s.r.o. | Výskumný ústav dopravný, a.s. | Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku, n.o. | ACG Air & Gas Solutions SK s.r.o. | EMM, spol. s r.o. | TiNSe s.r.o. | Městská část Praha 15 | PHA Slovakia s.r.o. | HUBERT J.E., s.r.o. | PRVÁ ZVÁRAČSKÁ, a.s. | HMH, s.r.o. | SEPS, a.s. | BOZPO, s.r.o. | AT CONSULT spol. s r.o. | KV Final Spartanburg LLC | LiV ELEKTRA, a.s. | JABLOTRON CONTROLS s.r.o. | VOLKSWAGEN GROUP SERVICES, s.r.o. | Peikko Slovakia s.r.o. | VÝVOJ Martin, a.s. | IggyT Ltd. | Continental Automotive Systems Slovakia s.r.o. | Letisko M.R.Štefánika - Airport Bratislava, a.s. (BTS) | Pankl Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. | TATRAVAGÓNKA Tlmače spol. s r.o. | DMS Slovakia s.r.o. | DP World Logistics Slovakia s. r. o. | Havířovská teplárenská společnost, a.s. | Slovanet, a. s. | TOMARK, s.r.o. | Inštitút odborného vzdelávania, s. r. o. | ADRIAN MED, s.r.o. | Regionálny úrad verejného zdravotníctva so sídlom v Komárne | UNIMED PHARMA, spol. s r.o. | K + K INDUSTRY, s. r. o. | ProClienta Group, s. r. o. | Ředitelství silnic a dálnic s. p. | O2 Czech Republic a.s. | Pi aquaunion, s.r.o. | Roboauto s.r.o. | IEE Sensing Slovakia s.r.o. | EC PARFUMS FACTORY s.r.o. | U&C UAS s.r.o. | CAEworx, s. r. o. | Telegärtner Slovakia a.s. | Metrostav DS a.s. | Spectrum Franěk, s.r.o. | QCS-Quick Cargo Service, s. r. o. | Unimpex Bratislava, s.r.o. | CONFORVAL s.r.o. | ELEKTROCONNECT, s.r.o. | A.RAYMOND JABLONEC s.r.o. | SEC Technologies, s.r.o. | BDI spol. s r.o. | Venturi Calibration Services spol s r.o. | Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný, n.o. | ECS Slovensko, s. r. o. | Manz Slovakia, s. r. o. | TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. | Žilinská univerzita v Žiline | Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky v Bratislave | KFB Control s.r.o. | Ing. Renáta Chmárová | Hanwha Advanced Materials Europe, s.r.o. | EKOM spol. s r. o. | ROTOS - STK a. s. | CARO - LIK, s. r. o. | LOM PRAHA s.p. | Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s. | MEDITRADE spol. s r. o. | PanaSystem SK, s. r. o. | Green idea s.r.o. | KOSYKA, s.r.o. | MINITÜB SLOVAKIA spol. s r.o. | TIPOS, národná lotériová spoločnosť, a. s. | Biometrix s.r.o | Air International Thermal ( Slovakia) s.r.o. | Greentech Slovakia s.r.o. | PLUS Academia spol. s r. o. | Delacon Biotechnik GmbH, odštěpný závod | N I K É , spol. s r.o. | Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav | MTS, spol. s r.o. | IT Control s.r.o. | FTE automotive Slovakia s.r.o. | Cresto Safety s.r.o. | Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. skrátene ŽP a.s. | vectary s. r. o. | Chropynska Slovakia a. s. | Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. | Torun & Schmidt s.r.o. | Vojenský technický ústav, s.p., o.z. VTÚPV | Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. | PoBeZdra, s.r.o. | Shape Corp. Czech Republic, s.r.o. | | s.r.o. | MIM, s.r.o. | Unomedical s.r.o. | KOPOS KOLÍN a.s. | FYSAM Auto Decorative Slovakia s.r.o. | AGRO Kadaň s.r.o. | Rettenmeier Tatra Timber, s.r.o. | MDOK, s. r. o. | Küster - automobilová technika spol. s r.o. | CERTIFICATION OF WELDING AND TESTING, s.r.o. | Reprofit Slovakia, a.s. | HOVAL, s.r.o. | DC4U s.r.o. | Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky | Malfini a.s. | FLEXCON, s.r.o.
Training name | Training duration | Venue | Price | The nearest date |
Internal auditor of the integrated management system (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 19011:2018) |
4 days
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
810,00 €
996,30 € VAT included
22.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
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Internal auditor of quality management systems in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 19011:2018 standards requirements |
2 days
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
24.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
![]() |
5S (7S) – Japanese concept of workplace improvement |
1 day
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
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FMEA according to the new AIAG & VDA Handbook |
1 day
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
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GLOBAL 8D – Eight disciplines problem solving |
1 day
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
![]() |
Problem solving |
1 day
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
![]() |
LEAN Management |
2 days
(8:00 - 14:00)
Online |
810,00 €
996,30 € VAT included
09.07.2025 - 10.07.2025
![]() |
AIAG members and Odette - together with established industry partners and stakeholders have decided to release a new version of MMOG/LE, in order to support the following objectives for a more stable and predictable supply chain.
MoreISO / IEC 17025 is a standard that applies to laboratories in various industries and ensures that standards for laboratory testing and calibration are followed in practice.
MoreIn the ISO world, all management system standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, etc.) require the company to have an internal audit and a system to perform regular internal audits. Many company owners think that internal audits are usually only needed for larger companies and mostly only for financial audits. The primary objective of ISO internal audit is to regularly review critical key business processes to ensure that the management system meets the requirements of the relevant ISO standard, as well as the organization's own internal requirements, that the system operates effectively and is maintained.