Our company provides external audits according to the following standards directly at the customer site:
ISO 9001 standard defines requirements to Quality Management System. Organisation who´s aim is to continuously supply own products in accordance with specifications and customer requirements should implement the ISO 9001 standard. Organization should keep constant effort in order to increase customer satisfaction as well. The basic requirement for ISO 9001 standard effective implementation is to document, implement, follow and sustain Quality Management System hand in hand with it´s continuous improvement.
ISO 14001 standard defines requirements for Environmental Management System in organizations. Environmental Management Systems is used to manage and guide organization towards to quality of environment in order to improve overall environmental impact. The basic requirement of ISO 14001 standard is to implement, document, follow and sustain Environmental Management System hand in hand with it´s continuous improvement.
ISO 45001 (former OHSAS 18001) specifies requirements for Occupational Health and Safety Management system within organization. This standard is helpful for development and creation of conception and for long-term aims generation that covers legal and another requirement for health and safety risks. The basic requirement of ISO 45001 (former OHSAS 18001) is to implement, document, apply and maintain an OSH management system and to implement continuous improvement approach.
ISO/IEC 27001 standard specifies requirements for setting, implementation, using, monitoring, analysis and improvement of information security systems within organization. The aim of the standard is to systematically ensure that the information security of the organization is not compromised and thus prevent serious financial loss or possible difficulties caused by loss of the organization's confidence.
ISO 50001 standard specifies requirements for setup of energetic sources management system within organization. Energetic sources management system is used to manage and improve energy consumption and it´s regulation within organization. To the basic requirements of ISO 50001 standards belongs implementation, documenting, application and sustaining of energy management system. Important is the application of continuous improvement of energy management system as well.
ISO ISO/IEC 20000-1 standard specifies requirements for the service management system (SMS) within an organization whose goal is to show service management quality. For example, the support of infrastructure, application and customer requirements which should be solved under the controlled regime. To the fundamental requirements of mentioned standard belongs implementation of continuous improvement system for services, process management based on PDCA cycle, implementation of requirements for plans, documentation and records with aim to improve service quality.
ISO 20121 standard specifies requirements for an event sustainability management system for any type of event or event-related activity and provides guidance on conforming to those requirements for all organizations involved in event industry. To fulfill the requirements of ISO 20121 organization demonstrates its systematic approach to preserving the economic, environmental and social environment for all types of social events. The basic requirements of the standard are to eliminate the impact of social events to the external environment and the implementation of a process of continuous improvement in this area.
ISO 13485 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. ISO 13485 standards aligns legal and other specific requirements for medical devices and brings uniform quality requirements for medical devices. The ISO 13485 Medical Quality Management System is based on ISO 9001 standard and is complemented by requirements related to the medical facilities such as comprehensive risk analysis, sterile manufacturing and product traceability. Companies certified to ISO 13485 meet the quality management system requirements in all classes established by the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ EEC.
ISO 17100 provides requirements for the core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of a translation service quality that meets applicable specifications. It focuses mainly on companies that provide translation services. By successfull application of the ISO 17100 standard, the translation company declares the capability of its processes and resources to provide translation services that meet customer requirements, applicable normative and regulatory specifications. ISO 17100 does not apply to interpret services.
ISO 22301 specifies requirements and rules to ensure business continuity and helps companies to recover quickly in the event of unforeseen events. Its objective is to prepare companies and protect them in the event of an exceptional unforeseen event such as a natural disaster, power outage and the like.
ISO 22000 specifies requirements for a food safety management system in organizations in which it combines and integrates key elements identified for food safety. The ISO 22000 standard is intended for companies operating in the field of food production, processing and distribution, which are obliged to comply with legislative regulations on safety and hygiene within the food chain. The standard specifies and integrates requirements that include legislative requirements, hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). With the ISO 22000 certification, you can reliably prove compliance with international food safety standards.
ISO 18788 specifies requirements for a private security operations management system for organizations that provide physical protection for buildings, persons, or public events. By meeting the requirements of ISO 18788, the organization demonstrates its systematic approach to maintaining safety, monitoring, reviewing and maintaining operations. It enables the continuous development of security services while ensuring customer safety and respect for human rights. The basic requirements of the standard are to ensure compliance of security activities with the law, regulations and human rights. It also eliminates negative impacts on the external environment, actively manages risks in order to implement a process of continuous improvement in the area.
ISO 37002 specifies requirements for whistleblowing, implementation of an effective management system based on the principles of trust, impartiality and protection. The ISO 37002 standard can be implemented in any organization, but it is most often used mainly by organizations belonging to the state administration, self-government and corporations.
The ISO 41001 standard specifies the requirements for a management system in organizations that perform building management, so-called facility management. The ISO 41001 management system serves to manage and guide the organization in building management, helps reduce environmental impact and saves costs associated with building management. The basic requirement of the ISO 41001 standard is to implement, document, apply and maintain a facility management system and implement continuous system improvement.