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INTERVIEW: What is the role of the lecturer in corporations?


The role of the lecturer in soft skills training is to inspire. Therefore, if training managers and HR professionals want to measure the results of such training, the solution would be to replace trainers with machines.

What is the role of a lecturer in corporations?


My recent experience with “in house training” in corporations has presented me with the question: “what is actually the role of the lecturer in the implementation of training?

”As a lecturer, I follow a quote from Mr. WA Ward:

“The average teacher talks. A good teacher explains.
Excellent teacher shows. The best teacher inspires.”


The role of the lecturer in soft skills training is to inspire. Therefore, if training managers and HR professionals want to measure the results of such training, the solution would be to replace trainers with machines. Arthur C. Clarke said it quite accurately:

“Any teacher who can be replaced by a machine should be!”

We already have e-learning for that. You can write beautiful motivational meta sentences, the right corporate demagoguery based on fear for the place you are currently responsible for, and similar appetizers. It certainly works, but it has its limits. The biggest barrier in this case is the ignorance of the need to change something. People controlled by fear, addiction or mobbing bosses are like a frog in a pot with ever warmer water. Their own comfort zone does not allow them to look at their true potential and not jump at all.

Let us open up the potential of those who really want to work on themselves.


However, this requires managers to be able to maintain a common standard with their co-workers, and this is challenging in corporations. Why is that so? You know the story: the best businessman is a teammate, even if he doesn't have the personal prerequisites at all - there's nothing you can do, because he has results. The most skilful IT-boss will be the head of the department, what about the fact that his emotional intelligence is at the level of age when he first started tapping the keyboard? The best worker on the line will advance to the foreman. It doesn't matter that she is an egoist without any pinch of team spirit. The daughter of the head of the department will also get into the team easily (add more according to experience ...).

I have already mentioned this - every manager has the kind of co-workers he deserves! Training managers also achieve results that send people to soft skills training.

Here are some tips based on my recent experience with large corporations:


  • Support those who want to go deeper in self-development. In this case, the self-study of each of your co-workers is also an important part. The lecturer is and should continue to be mainly a facilitator and inspirer.
  • If you need some training in internal advertising, then something is wrong. Do you want results from soft training? Start with open communication with individual managers or shareholders who have conducted evaluation interviews with their co-workers. Tell them directly to support your people's strengths. It has been proven that we learn faster in activities where we use our strengths - up to 450% faster and more efficiently.
  • Are you afraid to tell your superiors? Are you driven by fear? What the worst can happen? Will you be forced to confront them? Are there concerns? For a confrontation like this, call a lecturer! Not the robot you want to stroke your ego or your superior's ego.


The result is change, and change means leaving the comfort and safety zone.

So finally do it, now it's up to you!



PhDr. Martin Zibrín, PhD., MBA

Course lecturer in the field of:


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