Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR

Lean Office, Lean Administration

What is Lean Office? 

Similarly, as in production processes, it is possible to find activities in administrative processes that are wasteful. Introducing elements of lean manufacturing into administrative processes is called Lean Office, or Lean Office. 


What is Lean Office for? 

Just like manufacturing processes, administrative processes are carried out to meet customer requirements. It is essential to realize that internal processes, departments, or individuals expecting service delivery to perform activities aimed at satisfying external customers are also considered as customers. However, in many cases, administrative processes cause issues for the departments providing the final product. 

By optimizing administrative processes, eliminating waste, and standardizing procedures, overall company performance can often be improved without the need for significant investments. Supportive processes, including administration, are just as important as manufacturing processes and influence the overall perception of the company by customers. 

Implementing lean manufacturing elements such as 5S, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen, or standardization can help a company save valuable resources. Even reducing the number of meetings can free up employees for processes with higher added value. 


Practical Application 

Lean Office, or lean administration, utilizes elements of lean manufacturing. A common scenario in companies is to focus on streamlining manufacturing processes while neglecting administrative tasks. However, this is not correct. It is crucial to understand that manufacturing and administrative processes are interconnected. For instance, the procurement process for spare parts is often complicated. Implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in production becomes futile if unnecessary administrative obstacles (approval by purchasing managers, ordering only if the value exceeds a certain minimum, different approaches of purchasing staff, etc.) hinder the ordering of spare parts or tools. Processes related to the deployment of computer technology can be particularly critical because the IT department often holds a unique and exclusive position in the company and is reluctant to optimize processes. 

The first step in implementing lean administration is to change the mindset of administrative staff. They need to learn that the processes they are responsible for are just as crucial as manufacturing processes. Their task is to meet the requirements of internal or external customers as quickly and with the highest quality possible. A powerful tool for initiating lean administration is the 5S method because taking responsibility for their own and shared administrative spaces is the first step towards changing their mindset. It is essential to understand that 5S is not just a one-time activity but a system that requires constant attention and maintenance. 

Later, the implementation of the Kaizen system can be considered, where employees optimize their processes independently. 

An important step in streamlining processes is Value Stream Mapping. Administrative processes are often based on processing intangible inputs (information), and losses associated with their processing are challenging to identify. It is advisable to seek help from an experienced coach or external consultant with expertise in manufacturing when mapping processes. Similar to manufacturing, losses are categorized according to the TIMWOODI categories: 

In many cases, the losses are due to excessive tasks required to process requests and the lack of standard procedures or failure to follow standard procedures. 


How we can help you 

Our company provides various forms of training focused on process optimization. These include trainings, workshops, e-learning or even consulting activities carried out directly in the company. 




Recommended training:

Training name Training duration Venue Price The nearest date
2 days (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 810,00 €
996,30 € VAT included
25.03.2025 - 26.03.2025 + 3
1 day (8:00 - 14:00)
Online 450,00 €
553,50 € VAT included
21.05.2025 + 2
1 day
Company in-house training On request
According to you